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Updated: Apr 20, 2020

Following the success of our 'Womxn in Soundsystem Culture' blog posts Vol 1 and Vol 2 curated by our blogger Mirna, Anja from Siren Sisters (DE) has made a Spotify and Youtube playlist for you all!

Anja Siren has been spinning records and organising dub events since the late 90s. In 2008, SIREN SISTERS started with regular sessions at Sunny Red / Feierwerk, Munich – often inviting soundsystems like DubRise, Jah Chalice, Dandelion, and guests from all over Germany and abroad. The events are a platform for upcoming artists and veterans

alike, with a special focus on female artists.

In the selection, Siren Sisters focuses on mystical wake-up tunes, with a strong message of love and unity – from the finest roots and the heaviest steppers, to sweet unreleased material and rare dubplates. Often, she is accompanied by the mic and effect master MC Treasure Irie, or the beautiful voices of Sista Sherin and Sista Kaya.

Siren Sisters are also part of Kulturimpuls e.V., a non-profit association that makes the Rootsbase on Fusion Festival happen and also organizes events like Rootsbase Festival and Dubimpuls in Freising. Anja contributes regularly to the German RIDDIM magazine with articles about sound system culture. In 2019, she founded the female sound collective LIONESS AWAKE."


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